Thursday, November 12, 2009

Saving Your Hard-Earned Money

Do you find yourself low on cash, and having to skimp on car insurance, health insurance, and even rent? If so this article is here to the rescue. In this economy, people are having to hold on to their pennies and having to borrow money from greedy car loan companies and banks that are only there to watch you fall on your knees. There are several simple ways which could save you money in more than one way.

First of all, If you see yourself throwing away those coupons that are in the Sunday newspapers, think again. Those coupons, when used at a retail store like Wal-Mart and Target, could really stack up the savings. Next, If you make less than two thousand dollars a month, than you could apply for government assistance in the form of food stamps which is now called SNAP. I know in my personal experience, it saved me and my fiancee from starving more than once. So look into it. Also, if your city has a farmers market, look there. They usually sale produce cheaper than Retail and grocery stores.

If you have a car and cannot keep gas in it for a long time, simply doing a few simple maintenance to your car could help. Keep the air in your tires properly inflated, and clean the fuel injector or carbuerator of your car by simply adding a cleaner to your gas at fillups.

I know how hard it is to keep afloat with rising food costs and gas prices, but if you just do a few simple things like coupons and car maintenance could really save you some serious money in the long run.

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